Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Smoking can be sexy!

I have read other blogs regarding smoking and I do agree it is up to the individual...everyone has the right to do what ever they choose, whether other people agree or not. However, smoking a cigar is really sexy and it smells lovely too, or am I just wierd! I think it the relationship between the lips and the holding of the cigar between the lips that creates the appeal, as if the cigar is almost being kissed (the cigar being smoked by a man, obviously!!) Somehow cigarettes don't have the same sex appeal, not for me anyway.....

1 comment:

  1. Bad Bad Bad

    Responding to how you think smoking cigars looks sexy makes me think that you are attracted to older men. I may be short on critical thinking but I always associated cigars with the more mature elquent male species.

    This could be due to the fact that I always remebered my science teacher at school always walked around with an unlit cigar in his mouth.

    However, with cigarettes, I think it is sort of sexy but it also depends who is smoking it. Clint Eastwood always did it for me. I also think my boyfriend looks more masculin when he smokes, but I never let on to him that I do.
