Monday, 13 April 2009


In reply to on Sunday 12th April 2009.

I agree that stalking is 'bad' and for the person involved extremely distressing. I suppose being famous has its advantages as well as its disadvantages, such as having an obsessive character invading your life. The extremes that someone will go to, to be in control is disturbing. Looking on a stalking website there are common traits of a stalker;
Won't take no for an answer
Has an obsessive personality
Above average intelligence
No or few personal relationships
Lack of embarrassment or discomfort at actions
Low self esteem
Sociopathic thinking

Has a mean streak

Reading Laura's blog also reminded me of a film that was on recently, 'Cape Fear', directed by Martin Scorsesse. Staring Robert De Niro and Nick Nolte. The Bowden family were stalked by a criminal that Nick Nolte represented as a lawyer.
You can view a clip from this film on youtube -

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